version 0.1.0-rc0011

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func-redis contains components aimed to simplify the adoption of StackExchange.Redis using a Functional Programming-first approach (thanks to Franco Melandri's tiny-fp).

The design of Func.Redis emphasizes a robust and flexible functional programming approach. Below are the key aspects that highlight the purpose and benefits of using Func.Redis in your .NET applications:

  • Abstraction: These classes and interfaces abstract the complexity of interacting with Redis, providing a clean and consistent API for the rest of the application.
  • Key Transformation: The key transformation functions allow for flexible key management, enabling the modification of keys before they are used in Redis operations.
  • Error Handling: The use of Either<Error, Unit> and Option<T> types from the TinyFp library helps in handling errors and optional values in a functional programming style.
  • Asynchronous Operations: The inclusion of asynchronous methods ensures that the application can perform Redis operations without blocking the main thread, improving performance and scalability.



dotnet add package func-redis

To include the functionalities to setup the native dependency injection container you will need to install the associated extensions:

dotnet add package func-redis-extensions


using TinyFp;
using Func.Redis.Extensions;
using Func.Redis;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Func.Redis.SerDes.Json;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.Text.Json;

// Configure services 
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile("AppSettings.json", optional: false)

var services = new ServiceCollection();
// Use func-redis-extensions
  .AddRedis<SystemJsonRedisSerDes>(config, RedisCapabilities.Keys);

var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

// Resolve the Redis service 
var redisService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRedisKeyService>();

// Save and retrieve data
var result = await redisService
  .SetAsync("key", new TestData(42))
  .BindAsync(_ => redisService.GetAsync<TestData>("key"));

    .OnRight(o => o
        .OnSome(td => Console.WriteLine($"data found: {JsonSerializer.Serialize(td)}"))
        .OnNone(() => Console.WriteLine("data not found")))
    .OnLeft(e => Console.WriteLine($"Returned error {e.Message}"));

internal record TestData(int Id);